“Well, every man has a religion; has something in heaven or earth which he will give up everything else for – something which absorbs him which may be regarded by others as being useless – yet it is his dream, it is his lodestar, it is his master…” Walt Whitman
Lodestar ” A guiding principle, interest, or ambition. “
Horses are Art to me; their every essence is. The way they have been created, their bodies, minds, spirits and emotions somehow weave together into a perfect balance and this is the very thing that has drawn me deep into their world, as farrier and trimmer, trainer, teacher and fine artist. Those are my ‘labels’ and job description if you will…but lo, it is more. I have been on a quest to explore that which hides in those in-between spaces of a life lived with these creatures, one where quite some time ago I discovered the Truth…I am on a quest for myself and an it just so happened that these creatures know it. Unlocking, revealing, nurturing, nudging, shattering, and ultimately surrendering to allowing myself to be taught all these beings know and see has been a life’s Art and Exploration that with each answer found reveals another question/belief/understanding to be shifted. What a joy to be journeying down this path and sharing it with others who stumble into this realm, often thinking they were simply horse owners….