- a star by which one directs one’s course;
- a guiding principle or ideal
The original meaning of lode is “road, way”, a path that leads somewhere. Most often we use today’s word in reference to a guiding principle
1 archaic : a star that leads or guides;
I thought I would share with you how and why I came up with the name Lodestar……….
I have a dream.
And I have had this dream since I was a child, a baby, really. And in this dream, all I do is horses and art. Everything I have ever written about goals, dreams, ‘If I could do Anything”, If I won the lottery, everything has always come back to horses and art. Specifically what…..it mattered not. Sometimes I was drawing, sometimes I was training, sometimes I was healing hurt horses, inside and out, sometimes I was sculpting, sometimes I was riding in competitions, circuses, jumping, sliding, cutting, bareback, in battle, flying, sometimes I was painting, sometimes I was teaching, sometimes I was writing……………..all I know is horses and art.…..horses as art.
I have a very worn out photograph taken on a family road trip thru Merritt when I was 10 or so. It was taken overlooking the Douglas Lake Range, and I swore I would some day live there. 🙂 How actually this whole life has evolved into the creation it has is all quite a mystery to me. Sometimes I was certain I was hopelessly off the path, only to find I was not being true and had to face up and answer to myself. I am still fine-tuning the craft of my life and my belief that it really is all entirely possible.
It Is.
As time passes, and I stand here breathing, seeing, feeling and watching my dream come true I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that 3 years ago when I chose Lodestar as my name, it was because I have acquired another dream. One that has become just as insistent to be expressed and demanding in its presence. And that is to help others to NEVER, EVER, EVER give up on their dreams. Stop hiding them from ourselves, and others, letting them wither and gasp for love and light. Some are so lost deep in their people, that they do not even think they have one, but they do. And……we all really, truly do know what that dream is. Deep inside, we do.Every dream is a gift, a guiding Lodestar to our deepest selves, our true natures,
our souls.It is also the thing that we are best equipped to do to give back to others with. Years and years ago I saw this quotation and it has become one of my deep beliefs.
” What we are is God’s Gift to us. What we become is our Gift to God.”
It has become part of my love of my work that I look and listen for peoples Dreams in what they say, do, or not sometimes. Usually it is so clear to me, and I oh so do want to help them believe. Believe they can, Believe they are absolutely perfect to do what it is. Believe anything is possible. Believe in themselves….just BELIEVE. The world is conspiring for us….if we will only just allow it.
I have a very detailed dream actually written down. I have done this a few times, and every time it comes true, but this one is the BIG dream. The no holds barred, no one is looking over my shoulder and saying WHAT!. It is rich, and abundant, daring and full. It is fulfilling and challenging, fun and loving. I want it all, and I want to share it, heal and rejoice with the beauty of life and the crazy, blessed carnival that it is. And I want everyone else to, too. I mean, really……….what have you got to lose?
That’s right…………………………. Everything.
I would like to dedicate this to one of my biggest teachers…..Skip Mia Bar. Mia led down the path of truth and self respect. She taught me about boundaries and knowing. She allowed me to gain confidence in my dreams and supported me even in her death……….. I miss her terribly some days, but her biggest gift of all was how to Let Go.
Thank you, My Mia, my Muse, the guide of my Lodestar…………
That was beautiful stef.
very inspiring words.
love and light sister
😀 Very cool Stef! I read the whole thing through holding tears back and I thoght I’d make it… untill I saw Mia. You got me! I cried! haha – Becca
Awww Stef I need to come out for a visit, this blog makes me miss you lots!