A Day in the Life…

I usually get going at first light, so these days its about 7:30 when I have piled on whatever number of layers seems appropriate as I peer out the windows at the awakening day. First its off to feed breakfast and pick frozen pony poo, which will take me to my own breakfast time of 9:30 or so. The dogs usually make it out to help with the last load of manure destined for the pile, and I mock them for their (very sensible) laziness and we all head in for coffee, toast and dog food ( You decide which gets which….:)

Then its back out again, glad for the warmer day at -5 and I can wear infinity safer riding boots as compared to my snow boots as I catch up my first victim, er, training horse. Meet Lennie

He belongs to the Larsen’s here at the Dot, and is a three year old Warmblood they have asked me to start for them. Today marks the 10th time I have been on him with the saddle, and to celebrate, Lennie graduated to tacking, and hop right on. Then its up to the arena, walk trot and canter a few laps, criss-cross and then stop at the gate (well, those of you that have been here know that there IS no gate on our arena) because that is one of my rules….we always stop at the gate, and then we head out, picking the dogs up as we go.
Lennie is much happier out then in the boring arena, but has never been further then the Y in the road, except his ponying journeys out with other horses. This is when I really start to LOVE my job. I focus softly yet strongly and line him out at a good trot on up the gravel road, and we cover the ground. At the top of the hill, I hesitate for a moment, thinking of safety and elastics, and then decide. On we go, Lennie! So its the ravine trail, and all its steep hills, trees, rocks branches and assorted other horse traps and I am astonished at the change in my brave little bay boy! He manages the hills with uncertainty, yet trust, me helping balance him and keeping my weight where it least interferes, picking his feet up nicely over everything, unconcerned with the scraping branches on my coat, and we trotted for a good 1/2 of the journey through the bush, even down the long grade back to the road. Whatever I asked of him, he did and calmly. As we untack, I slid him a carrot and realize that he barely broke a sketchy bit of sweat on his neck, and seems every bit as pleased as I am….what a good boy!!!!

I pop Lennie back into his field and go and gather up Kestrel. Now Kestrel has been with me before and has a good start under her belt, but has since had almost 2 years off while she gained other life skills as a mom. She had the most GORGEOUS Bay colt named Rune ( For Sale, btw…and if you are into Warmbloods….this guy is exquisite:) and then I picked her up for weaning and a refresher class in riding last Friday. She Had a fair bit to say about the proceedings on the journey up from the Coast, but has settled in brilliantly, winding all the Geldings around her pretty chestnut hoof. Today was our first real outing, as I ponied her off Carson the other day, but just wearing the halter, so saddling and riding were an unanswered question. How much of our foundation had actually stuck from 2 years ago??? As you can see, she was actually really keen to get going, and came right up the steps and into the tack room behind me, so I hazarded a guess at how it all would go, and popped the pad up, tossed the saddle on, cinched her up, moved her around, then up to the arena for some on line work. I let her drift around me on a circle at the trot, checking the whole place out, jumps, all the horses in the fields around her, and getting a feel back for the saddle. She quit moving and humped her back twice, so I stood and waited for her to settle, then move out again, ask and release watching her for tension and not pushing her bubble too far, too soon. Ask her in and hang out til she blows and out again. Small bits, small successes, build back that confidence in the experience, herself and me. Up into a canter and she humps up again, this time I push her on, working off some of the confidence we built, and leaning on some leadership now. Back to trot, and back up to a lovely smooth canter circle…Nice! ok, ok….that’s enough of that! We get the snaffle from its spot a willing jump standard, and softly bridle her, check cinches, and swing up. Stand a moment and scratch and pet all over, then its out and down the road….We just ride to the first slipwire and through the big meadow, and loop back around onto the road, barely 10 minutes, but she is soft and out of shape in lots of different ways, so this is just right. We untack (yes, she tries to sneak back in the tack room again!) and slip her back beside her bestest pal, Carson. Now here’s an interesting thing….Whenever she and Carson loose sight of one another in the stalls/pens , the other calls and gets a bit frantic, but both horses were completely relaxed and chill, although Carson did call once, it was just a hey! You’re back! call. This is some positive feedback for our relationship, and it feels good…
Next! Gumby circles his brother Nash in hopes that I will notice how bored and fat Nash is looking so that I will choose him today, but nope, sorry Gumby, its you my wily mustang friend!
Gumby and I had a rather er, complicated last ride that involved a fair bit of riding back in forth in front of the driveway, a couple fast trips back up the road to the Hwy, and one loooong afternoon tied to Mr.Fir Tree Across the Road a Piece.You see, Gumby is fairly emotional guy ( don’t let the Big Guy looks deceive you) and he has been emotional of late, and this needed to be sorted out and eased for him, and we all know it can be very emotional sorting out emotions….:) Anyway, He patiently waited for me while I snuck in the house for a Mango and a cup of Bengal Spice tea ( FABULOUS if you haven’t tried it!) for lunch, tuck the dogs in, and then we head out over the meadow, across the snowy field and up the sage hills. We canter and trot to the base of the steep climb, and Gumby never fails to amaze me at his sure footed confidence in any terrain that I can get us to. He easily makes the climb, and we stop to catch our breathe, and he kindly poses for a nice photo op and off we go, loping though the Sage and snow back to the road. Now here’s the test. All this fast high energy has been on purpose. I wanted to help set things up for both successes and a test. By leaving out at high energy, with real purpose and challenge I set the tone of my leadership, and support him all the way with guidance and rubs of reassurance. It also brought his emotions up at the same time, just got that blood moving around a bit so it was with interest and genuine hope that he would choose to stay ‘with’ me as we turned left out of the slipwire and onto the long hill home on the road…………………and he does! One correction, and a few checks on myself to ‘dis-connect’ from him ( yes, there are times you need to dis connect!) and we stroll in to home just a sweet and mellow as you please…YAY Gumby the Brumby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Done I am with paying members of my Equine herd for the day, I have been wrestling with who the last one of the day will be…..No to Cita, she just went out on Tuesday so she’ll live. That Grey mare needs to gt out again, as I still have alot of unanswered questions for her. Espada….oh mare! How I love you and owe you a good ride, but Indy it is! He hasn’t been out all week, and really needs his sharp shoes on, but I keep forgetting to order borium, so I can only do arena work with him today, but that’s enough…we are happy! As you can see, he is like a mink, and is in his ‘Winter Phase’ right now, bay. We play around with leg yields, half pass, shoulder in, spins, backing and canter departures from a halt, saving fast canter work for a safer day. I love how all the gymnastizing and lateral work brings in that beautiful full body flexion and self carriage. He is beginning to become so soft and we have moments of lofty carriage and cadence and I cannot believe how much I love this horse as I abandon ‘schooling’ and opt instead to bury my face in his plush toy coat and inhale his Indyness…..Sorry Bud..no ride out, we can barely get you up the driveway on those regular shoes….so we untack, toss him and his herd a carrot, change boots back into clumpy Sorrel’s and head back out to do evening chores. Feed and poo pick, feed and poo pick for another hour, still happily amazed at how being 2 horses less makes such a difference! ( Bella and Joey went to Kathy’s new home up at Pooley ranch yesterday, and How the Great Grey Dodge got Stuck is a Tale for some other time, that may never be told…:) I finish up, chop a whell barrow of firewood for the evening, snap a couple photos of the Gingerbread Barn, and head in……feed the dogs, cat, me and here I am!

It sure may not be for everyone, but I LOVE the life I get to live, and every single day I learn, question myself and what I know, celebrate what seems to be working, ponder what is eluding me, and remember, remember, remember to give Thanks…..*)

Camp Update…Part One.

Well, not being one to rush things to much, to allow them to unfold as they best see fit, I hereby present the Official Summer Camp Update…..ta-da! 🙂

Part of me thinks I should do a blog on each camp separate since there are SO many cool photos and experiences to share, but then I decided that if you really want the whole picture that you will just have to come and do a camp yourself, if you weren’t there this year, this is all you get…..hahahahaha!

This opening shot is of Indys sexy ears as we overlook Lundbom Lake on the Pre-ride ride that Jeanne, her daughter Cathy and I did…..what a view!

The Connecting at the Dot Camp…….. June.

Four brave, devoted souls and their Equine partners explored greater depths of Connection through exercises in developing finer awareness and presence. These photos are from the Waiting Game….a fascinating meditation and reveals so much about ourselves…. I am honored and infinity thankful to be able to watch everyone , seeing into a deeper world, another piece of the mystery of this ethereal link we share with horses. It is a very personal and moving experience Vicki D. and Julio ( Cita’s Father by the way, happily enjoying his new Gelding-dom)Mark and Sirius , and Laurel with Fancy ..Jeanne and Gumby joined us a day later….

Encouraged to Journal feelings, thoughts, and set a clear written intention and mantra for the weekend and the future, everyone began to soften and relax before my eyes. We played in the Obstacle Field; Complete with the ever popular Water Jump. Even Arab’s can be allowed to find the joy in water…:) as Vicki found out. We rode down by the river, and played with lots of Human simulation games that really allowed us to feel “feel”…. and ended with a Fabulous dinner in a very eclectic restaurant in Spence’s Bridge…(YES! Spence’s Bridge!) I loved this Camp for the fantastic desire in everyone to find a way to look deeper, ask ourselves how we can allow room in our life and schedule for connection to grow; how by simply being ‘with’ our horses somehow, magically, allows them to be with us.

Grace and Sue’s Custom Camp….August

Two of my all time favorite Ladies and there very good mares, Velvet and Sue’s new mare Misty, returned for another intimate camp. I LOVE this special time I get to have with these to friends, exploring the edges of their knowledge and passion for their horsemanship. With just the two ladies, we really get to delve into what the next piece is for them and how best to have it unfold and become a part of their being. Slow paced, free formed and every bit a vacation, this week is not without its growing moments. ( that’s polite talk for emotional turmoil and what the heck am I doing here? moments) but that is what we love about our life with horses right? RIGHT????:) Although we had too cool a week of weather to allow us to swim like we did last year, none the less, I think the ladies and I had a GREAT time together and am so looking forward to having them back next summer….Thanks Grace and Sue…!

and so…now I am pooped and will have to finish this report another day,,,which happily, since I am the author, boss, chief pooper scooper, head feeder and hay pitcher,maid (well, kinda)and Editor in Chief….I can do that sort of craziness….!

From Ignorance to Bliss….

It doesn’t really surpise me that I have not taken any photos of her.

She just has that effect on the world and has just as little expectation back of it.

Just a small bay mare, not quite a horse, not quite a pony, plain face and body( complete with the hyper-vigilant ewe-neck) with 16 yrs of calloused indifference to life and humans. She had zero pride in herself, scruffy and unkept, and would roll in the muddiest, urine soaked corner of her pen. Add to this a developing tendency to extreme reactions when asked to do the simplest things and as a result was beginning to hurt people. At an age when most horses are starting to become labeled as “dependable”,”steady” “Broke” she was just broken. Embittered, resentful, hard and ill- mannered. Somehow this small, unremarkable mare managed to bring out the very worst in those around her, and anger was the main emotion. My first week working with her, ” Ignorant” was the word I found myself mentally using on her…………….

I would try all the usual methods I have developed to connect in the first week, and met with absolute failure. I sat in her pen, took her grazing, brushed with super soft brush, played the ‘waiting game’, moved her around on-line gently establishing lines of respect and communication, looked for her itchy spots.


She would allow me to catch her, but that reaction of running off/rearing/turning away/focused on her buddies/flinging her head in the air was a constant presence and to be honest, I felt myself becoming just as triggered as everyone else had handling this mare….”Ignorant Cow” I would mutter under my breathe as she flew backwards for the 6th time as I attempted to brush the crusted filth her mane……

And then I got MAD!

MAD, MAD, MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can’t even begin to tell you how p-d off I was! Here is this little horse, hard, calloused, ignorant and ugly struggling with me for her survival, and all because SHE was the one treated Ignorantly by Ignorant people. Ignorant in every meaning of the word to be sure, but the damage was done. This horse could wear pressure in some places (on her sides and mouth) like crazy, and had zero tolerance for any (on her sides and mouth) in other places. And those crazy reactions? Simply her capacity for being treated ‘ignorantly’ had been reached,her intolerance to engaging in the simplest of tasks reflecting it. She simply would not bend to human will any longer. This ended up being her saving grace, and thus she ended up here with me. Having lived with emotional distance as protection, and trust a trigger word, I could relate when I finally allowed myself to feel her…..

What I found under the hardness was a gift of tenderness. Like a freshly exfoliated callous, there is super sensitive new tissue. And raw fear, of course. Lack of trust knowing what would be the point in it anyway, as it must have brought confusion and (to her anyway) a threat to her very survival.

For me, it was the tiny moments of pure relaxation, when her erratic breathing calmed ( and this was just standing with her folks), when I felt her surprise when I acknowledged her slightest try with a certain degree of consistency, when I told her she was beautiful and very clever (and truly meant it) when we figured something out together……When I felt her begin to enjoy (even for a few strides) our rides together, when she knew that she was right with me and I would completely leave her alone, loose rein and rubs on the neck…”Good Girl”! blow blow blow….
When she would challenge my leadership with a couple bucks, and attempts to return to home and I would emphatically correct her….then leave her alone, trusting her to chose comfort with me, and then yesterday………….

After a new trail along the river complete with bridges, cows, and torrential rain, we sauntered in, loose reined and low headed completely tuned in to one another and unconcerned with any horse on the property, with eyes that followed me as we untacked and such softness in her body as I brushed the rain soaked hair best that I could, and felt such incredible tenderness well up in me towards this little brave mare for showing and reflecting yet another piece of the puzzle ………of horses, myself and life.

I believe no one means to harden another soul on purpose, it happens from ignorance, lack of awareness, low level of consciousness. How often does force come into play when knowledge runs out? Or simply the willingness to connect and pay attention to that whom we are interacting? To slow down and feel, and see, and hear, and be present? How often do we attempt to attach blame instead of simply trying to understand? I come away feeling we are all trying the best we can, but hoping that we all have the courage to seek a change for the better as our heroine of this tale did…

Thank you, beautiful little bay mare…………

The Muse

There are moments in our lives that are monumental.

Moments when we realize the true meaning of Magic and the miracle of this thing we so casually call life…………

Moments when all we can do is stand in wonder and let ourselves be overcome with emotion….

Moments of pure joy, bliss and peace…..

Moments that become memories eternal and unforgettable, every color, every smell, every word said, every feeling………….

There are moments in our lives we wish would go on forever and ever and ever….

But they don’t.

Which is why now is called the “present”. It is a Gift.

Scratch that favorite itchy spot just a liiiittle longer on your horse……….. That them out for a special walk, just eating that delectable spring grass………… Sit in the field with them allowing them to thoroughly check you out and really be with them…………. Go someplace new and exciting to walk your dog. Buy them that WAY to expensive treat…….Take your Dad a bunch of flowers and a bow of chocolates………..Fix that drippy tap your Mom has been frustrated with for so long, and then sit on her deck in the sun and share a glass of wine with her…….never hurt to bring her flowers either……. Call your Uncle living in Texas………..MAKE time to spend with friends….ok,ok….:) ALLOW yourself time to spend with friends,……and be a friend to yourself……..

Love them deeply, and when it is time……

Let them go.………

This blog is dedicated to Jeanette and Percy.
Thank you for a million treasured moments……….