
” Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
St. Francis of Assisi

For so long in my life, I had always felt a much stronger connection to animals then humans. I felt safe with them, free and understood. Humans were much more challenging to relate to, and to be honest, I felt very little desire to even try to have a deeper connection and relationship with them. ” I am an animal person” was firmly my belief. So for me it was easy to quit everything on the Island, and move up to a Ranch in the middle of nowhere really and live only with the animals….happily training away on my own.


Imagine my surprise when I discover the joy of sharing with other humans the wonders of their horse. When I see the love they have for them, their determination to learn, grow and challenge themselves to get it better for their horses. When I share the heart ache of fear, indecision, self-doubt and lack of confidence (in themselves, their horses and in their horses) When folks make the supreme effort to just “show-up” in life, with their horses and up here, 100’s of miles from home and offer up the dedication and sometimes fragile belief in their choice to continue with their horse and a horse dream. I became humbled, and surrounded with a depth of feeling that really allowed me to accept the inevitable truth…….I am a ‘people person’ AND an ‘animal person’ and really, they are the exact same thing, linked by an unfathomable desire to grow, love and face the very things that can scare the $#@*& out of us and be able to receive the immense gift that that will bring. Imagine……. I want to share with you an e-mail that Angela sent a couple days ago, because it really sums up the courage and desire never to give up on a dream and the rich rewards that are just awaitin’ us to find them. Angela and Ace have been together for 9 years, and I first met Ace as a pale, cheeky weanling in Metchosin. Angela had high hopes and skills enough to set the stage for a great partnership, but as life would have it, Life happened. Marriage, kids, homes and all the rest put Ace on the back burner…never given up on, yet still barely started and then……

An all to frequent story with often a much sadder ending of a dream forgotten.

But Ace ( cheeky, clever devil that he is) apparently took matters into his own hands ,er, hooves and fixed a deal with the Universe and set a chain of events into process that led to his coming to me for 3 months and Angela for a week….. he has been home since fall and well, it has still be a journey of finding time for self and the inevitable green horse dilemmas, but Angela and Ace are well over the ‘hump’ and on their way…. Enjoy…:) And Thanks for permission to share this great story Ang!

So Mr.Ace and I went for a ride. It has been well over a month and I told him each day “on Sunday, it is our day” Sunday came and he was ready, snuggly and following me like a puppy. Funny how they know. We tacked up (saddling… arggh) took the bit like a carrot and we were off. I kept him between my legs, and 15 mins in we came across some hikers I knew. He stood, square and still for 15 mins while we talked only gently nosing a kid once for attention. We had our picture taken a few times, he was oohed and ahhhed over and on we went. What a gentleman. I heard some motors, that were not being “normal so off we go to investigate… a couple of quads trying to get under a fallen tree. PERFECT! lets go see the scary stuff! We wove in between the running quads, struggling helmeted guys and wiggling tree to go and step over the low end of the tree , oh -one spook- you are fine, on he goes past the other running quad and up the trail (suckers!). The they caught up (I had no intention on going up this trail but since they “let me go first” instead of standing there staring at them I carried on. They then came up behind and passed me on the narrow trail. Not even an ear flick as they rode by close enough to touch. Awesome! Okay they are gone lets go find more! Found a couple of LOUD dirt bikes tearing down the trail, Monte ( the dog)was ahead to slow them down (safety crew!) and before they could shut it down I walked by the first, then by the second shut off one (why is he shut off, not sure!… it’s okay I am here. Walk on) After passing he fired it up and opened the throttle BLAH…BLAH! Whatever 😉 Nice ride, center of trail, puddles easy… ahhhh this is the life. A couple of dart up the hill (on the way HOME, with me having to pick up the reins -oh yah reins?!) When we got back we even did a trot up the top driveway relaxed and nice. My fears addressed: trotting and encountering bikes. He is such a trooper and so connected. I have made it an appointment each Sunday we go out, anything else is a bonus. Rain or shine, we beat the rain this time, but I had my oilskin done up like a bedroll on the back of my saddle just in case 😉 a good ride after a month + off?! Willing and soft?! I imagine summer when nights are light and we can get out more how great he will be 🙂 It is my solace, my stress relief when all seems hopeless, my meditation…….

For all of you who have had the courage and faith to never quit yourselves or your horses. Those who have been assailed by nay sayers and negative self talk tapes and done it anyway. Those who just kept trying, found another way, gave it their best shot when everything else said to find another passion or horse or be ‘sensible’! For all those that have passed through my life and enriched it it with your presence and strength……..Thank you.

As Buck Brannaman would say…………’And you know who you are!’*)

Rope on a Hope

I am busy enjoying the last couple of weeks before a fresh crew of training horses descend upon us, riding my beasties as much as possible, and the weather just makes it oh so easy to do as well. Truth be known, some of it is avoiding vacuuming, dusting, and paperwork, but I am forced to wait for a rainy/snowy day, and alas, it’s been weeks since that’s happened (ok…no one visit me right now, or I WILL be forced to bung out the house:) The bottom field of my neighbor’s the Stolfus’s is drying out enough that we can ride in there, and since this is where the small group of runty calves over wintered and they have (unbeknowst to them) donated their little brown bodies to furthering the education of cattle work to us all, I have jumped at the opportunity to do just that. Unfortunately, I have yet to figure out how to work cattle and take pictures, so these photos are older, some at Quilchena, some at Kuiper’s.
A couple days ago, after an amazing short ride in the ring, Ivy and I headed down the hill to try her out following and being in with the calves. The dogs of course have hedged their bets and opted to (wisely) stay on the outside of the pen, away from what obviously are large, fang-toothed and drooling critters with a weakness for Dane steak. (have I ever mentioned that my dogs are a wee bit, er, Cautious?) Ivy on the other hand is thrilled to be actually inside the pen with those weak kneed, doe eyed fraidy cats, and heads them down the fence line like an ole pro. Two slackers hung back, and then scooted up behind us, normally a sure way to spook a green horse, but not Miss Ivy. Stop, rollback and scoop up the two and then lope out to stop the mob from heading into the creek. Tail them back where we started, and stop and settle. Back off and head home, Ivy all puffed up and proud, blowing and low necked…her price tag sky-rocketing as I sit on her, awed and smiling from ear to ear….What a Gal!

And then yesterday was Indy’s turn……all the talk about how he would make a fabulous rope horse, all big and stout like he is, an me packin’ my 50ft. rope everywhere, catching weeds, logs, dogs and fence posts finally have to step up to the plate and catch a live critter……Gulp! Now as the universe is always conspiroring for me, I had just finshed tacking up when the Stolfus family rode by and Wendall cruised up and asked if I had my rope horse ready…’yep, sure do’ ( Oh crap! there is no escape!) and away we went. Wendall and Leanne have been doing this for a living for, well, a long time. Their two girls, Madi and Reese were raised up in cow camps at Douglas Lake and Stump Lake, and are serious contenders in cutting and rodeo competitions, and are no stranger to cattle work. So Wendall catchs up our first victim with a nice head/front leg shot and settles the critter til it is standing quietly, weighing out her options of escape. Fortunately for her, neither of us are serios threats to her having those hind legs snatched out from under her. Madi goes first, which is perfect. This gives me plenty of time to feel me ego squirming around, self-concious fears, pride ( I am a HORSE TRAINER, I ought to know this, right?) and shyness all scrambling for attention. Well. I hear them all, but the opportunity is just to cool, and if I have learnt anything over the last few years, it is how to ignore my egoic fears; allow them to get stomped in the mud and gore of learning something incredibly cool and new, and watching how my soul grows out of the decayed mush of my ego……(sorry, bit dramatic, but, essentially, you get the picture). Sooooooooooo now is my turn. Happily, I can no longer even build a loop, forgotten the terms for the rope (oh!, right! THAT”S my slack…) and Indy has turned into a blowing, high tailed Arab, who has never seen a cow before ( well, never seen a cow on the end of a fishing line before!) and is adding to the entertainment value by trying to leave me to my crazy shenanigans alone. Wendall is a great teacher, never citicizing or laughing (out loud, anyway……..) and we get things sorted, Indy tracking up proper, one reprimand for biting (2 demerrits) and soon I am twirlin’ and aimin’ for a set of moving back legs and wondering how it is even possible to do this and why do some people make some things look just so easy and oh, its Madi’s turn again. Watching her style and Wendall’s tips to her about follow thru and hand position, then me again. Realizing that I am throwing my rope like a girl (!) and this is sorta because, gee, what happens when I actually catch something….and ….suddenly I do! Both hind legs in a snappy little trap shot, and I dally (thumbs up, brother!) and back my boy up. He is an ole pro! And oh, Wendall is telling me not to stretch her out, and get that dang rope off her and try it again, this time with more finesse. I get her again! Wow! Nothin’ like some positive action to suddenly change your outlook on things!
Madi’s go again, then me, and we catch her again…just on leg this time, and for fun I dally backwards, and of course Wendall sees (cowboys see everything!0 and
laughs and says other way…..
And so it ends.
Am I proud of my big roan horse? Hell Yeah! He is keen, keen, keen, works with me, figures out his job just like that, those turnarounds we’ve been working on getting speed up on? He just about lost me twice he spun so fast!He stayed ultra soft and obedient, yet totally connected. All in all, humbling yet totally positive feedback on everything we are trying to accomplish and experience. I love having that real work with our horses, it bring out the best (and sometimes worst!) in us…. As we split up at the gate and head our sep
arate ways home, Sage and Griffin demanding for a complete description of what the heck we were doing, Sage barking at Indy, giving him what for, and my happy little family wanders home under blue skies and a plan for practice roping sawhorses…….hmmmmm

Hot of the Press!

Well, after thinking about this since last summer, and thinking about accommodation, and thinking about offering variety, and thinking networking with like minded folks……..its booked!

This is a cabin at the 7 Half Diamond Ranch just the other side of Merritt. It is an amazing spot, with over 800 acres of GPSed trails, massive arena, two lakes (fishing and swimming) a salon, and the sweetest cabins ever. Fully furnished, sleeping 4-6 with decks over looking the fully shaded and treed horse pens….it is custom made for Fun with your Horses!I have two camp dates booked, July 5-8 and August 20 -23, and size will be limited to 4 people giving the maximum attention and ability to really focus in on specific tasks without getting lost in the crowd. As well, I aim to keep it relaxing…with trail time mixed with learning….no burning out allowed!
Everything is included, except you will have to provide and cook your own meals in the fully equipped kitchen, and bbq in the ‘Saloon’ last night. 5 nights, 4 days…..price not yet confirmed, but approximately $800.00, plus GST
Check out their website

And for those of you who came and loved last years Dot Ranch Camps….with its soon to be Infamous Swimming Hole… worries! I am currently organizing dates for those as well and as always, if you and a couple friends want some serious one on one, small scale fun and horsemanship, custom camps are totally welcome as well. Earlier booking will help me better serve both our needs and woooooo-hoooooo! With this fabulous weather it is so easy to be thinking about summer again!

I will update the website and keep things freshly posted as I firm up the details here…..


  1. a star by which one directs one’s course;
  2. a guiding principle or ideal

The original meaning of lode is “road, way”, a path that leads somewhere. Most often we use today’s word in reference to a guiding principle

1 archaic : a star that leads or guides;

I thought I would share with you how and why I came up with the name Lodestar……….

I have a dream.

And I have had this dream since I was a child, a baby, really. And in this dream, all I do is horses and art. Everything I have ever written about goals, dreams, ‘If I could do Anything”, If I won the lottery, everything has always come back to horses and art. Specifically what… mattered not. Sometimes I was drawing, sometimes I was training, sometimes I was healing hurt horses, inside and out, sometimes I was sculpting, sometimes I was riding in competitions, circuses, jumping, sliding, cutting, bareback, in battle, flying, sometimes I was painting, sometimes I was teaching, sometimes I was writing……………..all I know is horses and art.…..horses as art.
I have a very worn out photograph taken on a family road trip thru Merritt when I was 10 or so. It was taken overlooking the Douglas Lake Range, and I swore I would some day live there. 🙂 How actually this whole life has evolved into the creation it has is all quite a mystery to me. Sometimes I was certain I was hopelessly off the path, only to find I was not being true and had to face up and answer to myself. I am still fine-tuning the craft of my life and my belief that it really is all entirely possible.

It Is.

As tim
e passes, and I stand here breathing, seeing, feeling and watching my dream come true I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that 3 years ago when I chose Lodestar as my name, it was because I have acquired another dream. One that has become just as insistent to be expressed and demanding in its presence. And that is to help others to NEVER, EVER, EVER give up on their dreams. Stop hiding them from ourselves, and others, letting them wither and gasp for love and light. Some are so lost deep in their people, that they do not even think they have one, but they do. And……we all really, truly do know what that dream is. Deep inside, we do.Every dream is a gift, a guiding Lodestar to our deepest selves, our true natures, our souls.It is also the thing that we are best equipped to do to give back to others with. Years and years ago I saw this quotation and it has become one of my deep beliefs.

” What we are is God’s Gift to us. What we become is our Gift to God.”

It has become part of my love of my work that I look and listen for peoples Dreams in what they say, do, or not sometimes. Usually it is so clear to me, and I oh so do want to help them believe. Believe they can, Believe they are absolutely perfect to do what it is. Believe anything is possible. Believe in themselves….just BELIEVE. The world is conspiring for us….if we will only just allow it.

I have a very detailed dream actually written down. I have done this a few times, and every time it comes true, but this one is the BIG dream. The no holds barred, no one is looking over my shoulder and saying WHAT!. It is rich, and abundant, daring and full. It is fulfilling and challenging, fun and loving. I want it all, and I want to share it, heal and rejoice with the beauty of life and the crazy, blessed carnival that it is. And I want everyone else to, too. I mean, really……….what have you got to lose?

That’s right…………………………. Everything.

I would like to dedicate this to one of my biggest teachers…..Skip Mia Bar. Mia led down the path of truth and self respect. She taught me about boundaries and knowing. She allowed me to gain confidence in my dreams and supported me even in her death……….. I miss her terribly some days, but her biggest gift of all was how to Let Go.

Thank you, My Mia, my Muse, the guide of my Lodestar…………